Application of Markov Chain in Teaching Evaluation and Long-term Prediction 基于马尔可夫链的教学阶段性评价和远期预测模型
Long-term Prediction of Return Extreme Storm Surge Elevation in Jiaozhou Bay 胶州湾风暴潮增水重现值的长期预测
Recalling the middle-and long-term prediction of the Wenchuan M8.0 Earthquake by using the seismicity images and thoughts 地震活动图像分析预测汶川8.0级地震的回顾与思考
And the prediction method that combines the short-term prediction, long-term prediction of NN with Grey-Disaster prediction also may be applied for other domains to a certain extent, such as mechanic fault diagnosis, flood disaster prediction, etc. 同时将短期预测、神经网络长期预测、灰色灾变预测三者相结合的预测思想,对于一些其它领域的预测预警(如机械故障诊断,洪水灾害预测等)也具有一定的推广参考价值。
Gray-Disaster prediction are constructed with the result of BP neural network long-term prediction model. 另外,利用神经网络长期预测的结果建立了灰色灾变模型。
A trend of potato's Late Blight of BP neural network long-term prediction model are constructed with the result of short-term prediction-Risk value, blight units and the add rain and the type of potato. 同时基于短期预测的结果&风险值和疫情值、气象数据中的降雨量以及马铃薯的抗病种类建立了晚疫病流行程度的神经网络长期预测模型;
Long-term prediction method for reservoirs water regime 水库水情的长期预报方法研究
Adaptive code-book search plays an important role in most CELP by replacing long-term prediction. 自适应码书搜索替代长时预测,是大多CELP编码方案的关键。
Thirdly, a trend of potato's Late Blight of BP neural network long-term prediction model is constructed with the result of short-term prediction and the type of potato that is very helpful for the prediction of late Blight; ■利用短期预测结果以及气象数据中的降雨量和马铃薯的抗病性,建立了马铃薯晚疫病的神经网络长期预测模型,对于晚疫病害的预防工作具有重要意义;
On Long-Term Prediction of Mechanical Faults Based on Structural Properties 基于信号结构特性的中长期预报方法研究
Research on the long-term prediction of air temperature and precipitation 气温和降水序列的长期预测研究
Application of ultra-low temperature structure to long-term prediction 超低温结构在长期预测中的应用
CATASTROPHIC LAW A Study on Flood and Drought Change and its Long-Term Prediction in the Songhua River Basin 松花江流域水旱灾害发生规律及长期预报研究
Application of similarity model of chaos phase space in hydrologic medium and long-term prediction 混沌相空间相似模型在中长期水文预报中的应用
Long-Term Prediction of Discharges Using Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems Models 基于自适应模糊推理系统模型的径流中长期预报
Study on Long-term Prediction Technology of Chaotic Time Series 混沌时间序列的长期预测方法研究
Adaptive code-book search ( or long-term prediction) plays an important role in most CELP schemes. 自适应码本是多数CELP方案中的重要环节。
Study on Two-level Algorithm of the Model of Intermediate or Long-term Prediction and Computing 中长期预测模型的GMDH两水平算法计算的实现
These two formulas can contribute to the preliminary long-term prediction of earthquakes. 利用上述两式可以进行粗略的地震长期预报。
Applicative Research of the Long-term Prediction of the Neural Network to the Potato Late Blight Disease 神经网络在马铃薯晚疫病长期预报中的应用研究
Due to some difficulties in the long-term prediction of flood, typhoon and storm tide, it is necessary to conduct the synthetic study in multiple disciplines. 由于对洪水、台风和巨大风暴潮的长期预测尚有一定困难,因之需要多学科进行综合研究。
Therefore, the variations of SST in Nino 1+ 2 area of the previous period can be a basis for the long-term prediction of the western Pacific subtropical high and the east Asian monsoon. 因此,前即Nino1+2区海温的变化可以为东亚季风和我国降水的长期预报提供依据。
The three main modules: short-term prediction, BP neural network long-term prediction and Gray-Disaster prediction constitute the Forecasting and Early-Warning Software System for Potato's Late Blight. 短期预测、神经网络长期预测以及灰色灾变预测这三个模块共同构建了马铃薯晚疫病预警系统。
As transportation demand generated by a variety of factors and in different measure its operation law is quite different, so it is necessary to forecast demand by conducting in different time granularity that are long-term prediction and the volatility analysis. 由于交通运输需求的产生受到多种因素影响,在不同的通道中,其规律存在较大差异,因此需要将区域交通需求预测的研究对象根据不同时间粒度分别进行中长期预测研究和波动性研究。
The problem of the municipal water demands forecast is the key to the engineering design and management of municipal water supply system, which contains short-term prediction and mid or long-term prediction. 城市用水量预测问题是城市供水系统工程设计和管理的核心,分为短期预测和中长期预测。
According to the characteristics of the data monitored and time limits of predicting, we subdivided the prediction model into performance data long-term prediction model, short-term threshold cross-border model and accident to predict in advance model. 根据云计算平台的监控数据的特性及需要预测的时间范围,把预测模型细分为性能数据长期、短期阈值越界以及事故提前预测模型。
The results showed better results are obtained in short-term prediction with these predictive models, but the hyperbolic model is the best in long-term prediction among these models. 结果表明:三种预测模型对短期预测均能取得较好的结果;对于长期预测,双曲线模型能更好的反映沉降的真实情况。
The long-term prediction MFBS completes long-term quantitative prediction of traffic flow. 其中,中长期预测方法MFBS实现了交通流中长期的定量预测。